Thursday, September 6, 2012

The First Doctor's Appointment

We went in yesterday for the first doctor's appointment.  Before we went in, there were always the little voices in the back of your mind saying 'you aren't really pregnant, it was a false test, there is something wrong with your bloated body and sore boobs, and it is all your imagionation', even though you know you are, in fact, pregnant.  But nothing confirms it like the ultrasound.  IT WAS SOOOO COOL!!!  We did the vaginal ultrasound (where they insert the wand up your hoo-ha and see the baby from the inside) and it didn't hurt or anything.  My husband and I stared at the screen in awe as the doctor started to describe what we were looking at.  We saw the heartbeat, and heard it which was very fast (and normal).  It was also MOVING a bunch!  That is so crazy to me that this little person inside me is moving around already.  I imagined it thinking 'what the heck is poking me, get it away!' as the wand was observing the baby.  They took many snapshots so we could bring them home.  I posted them on facebook as 'babies first photo', haha, and was able to share them with family members.  God is so amazing, creating this little miracle inside of me.  And this all confirmed that we had one (just one, phew!) healthy baby :)  The doctor also said that since it had a healthy heartbeat and was inside the uterus, now the chances of a miscarriage was reduced to only 5%.  That did put my mind at ease too.  They also measured the baby and estimated my due date as April 1 (an april fools day baby, oh boy!).  They put me at 10 weeks and 2 days (where I thought I was only 9 weeks and 6 days), so I was a teeny bit farther along than I thought I was.  It is amazing to think I am already 1/4 of the way through my pregnancy!
I am still feeling pretty good, but man, is eating getting annoying and overrated.  I start to feel nauseous when I start to get the least-bit hungry, so I have to constantly be nibbling on something.  I don't want to be eating all the time, but I guess that is the only option I have, and the body is probably trying to get me into a routine of feeding the baby at all times. Anything for that little guy or gal, but it is still annoying.  My spotting has stopped (and has stopped for the last few weeks) so that is more comforting as well.  I don't seem to be too overly tired, though some days are harder than others.  Now that we have a confirmed baby in the belly, we are more excited about getting baby items.  We are still looking for a new home to move into, so I know it would be better to wait to get all the stuff, but I don't know if I will have the patience! :)

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