Friday, August 31, 2012

9 Weeks

Well, I am officially at 9 weeks, marking yesterday.  My nausea has been a little more tolerable, but I have to constantly be eating little snacks.  If I start to get hungry, that's when I feel nauseous, and then you have to force yourself to eat to get through the nausea.  It's kind of a weird system.  I oddly don't feel ill first thing in the morning, but its more later throughout the day, usually a couple hours after my last meal.  I have heard that eating lots of little meals or snacks usually does the trick, and it does in my case.
I feel so FAT!  Lol :)  I look like I'm further along than I am, and I keep trying to tell myself that it is okay, its just the bloating/digestive track slowing down, uterus expanding, etc.  Baby Mo' is only the size of a grape right now.  But I look pretty pregnant.  Of course, thoughts of 'more than one baby' creep into my head, haha, but I'm sure it isn't that.  And I'm not 'letting myself go' as I have actually LOST 6 lbs since I found out I was pregnant (probably due to no more junky drinks/alcohol).  I feel pretty good.  The exhaustion is getting better too.  I haven't had to take a nap in a while, but I do feel very lethargic and don't always want to go do things (and I am a very active people-person).  I have been wearing dresses almost for the past few weeks straight since they feel so much better to wear instead of pants pulling on my stomach.  I do have the belly band which helps immensely, but I'm sticking with dresses while the weather still allows it.
I FINALLY get to go to our first doctor's visit next Wednesday.  I hope we get to hear the babies heartbeat!  Due to insurance complications (and the fact that Kaiser doesn't pay for ultrasounds), we may wait until October to get an official ultrasound if it is okay with the doctors (any out-of-pocket expenses that apply towards our deductible in the last quarter roll into next year).  So maybe we will have to wait another month, but it would be really nice if we could somehow hear it on Wednesday.  Here is wishful thinking!
That's about all for now.  I'll have an update for you all after the appointment next week :) 

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