Thursday, February 7, 2013

32 Weeks - Third Trimester Well Underway!

Yep, I have been slacking.  Not much to say here and there, though I think of one small thing of time to time.  My husband and I just finished completing our child birthing classes (four 3-hour sessions at our hospital).  That was very educational, and it was fun to meet some other pregnant couples.  We would often go around the room for a 'check-in' to see how everyone is doing and what was new.  Some things I would hear like prenatal arthritis and I would think "Oh good, I dodged that bullet!", but I spoke too soon.  Just yesterday I started to get some arthritis pains, and today I got a migraine (which I have been getting more of lately..I think it is the increased volume of blood and my normal magnesium supplement is not cutting it anymore).  Speaking of other issues, I had been taking both Juice Plus and a prenatal my whole pregnancy, but in this last trimester, I have been having some problems with my heartbeat feeling very strong/heavy and freaking me out.  This usually happens shortly after I take my supplements.  The doctor told me to lay off the Juice Plus for now because she thinks I may be getting too much of something by using both prenatal and Juice Plus.  I think that may have something to do with it, but I also think it is combined with the extra blood that my heart is pumping. 
I'm being a jealous mother, as I see other people keep showing their updated ultrasound pictures and their 4-d shots of their unborn child (they look amazing!).  My insurance only pays for the 20 week ultrasound really, and no more after that unless medically necessary.  It would put my mind at ease to see her once and a while, and not imagine that she is growing a mutant hand or missing any limbs, but I know I am being silly, and our mothers didn't even have this technology, so we are spoiled!  I can't wait to meet her.
Oh right, her.  Another thought that pops into my head is 'what if the technician's best guess was wrong?!'  We have been expecting a girl this whole time, and we end up with a boy!  Which would still be joyous, but we would have our pepto-bismol pink room all set up and a plethora of girl clothes for him.  Haha.  Once again, I know that doesn't happen very often, but you can't help but think of those things.
I have been having to wear my maternity belt a lot lately.  Oh and I have been graced by stretchmarks.  People say the stupidest things to you sometimes.  "You are only HOW far along?  Are you sure there is only one baby in there?!".  Stuff like that.  Yes, I feel like a huge orb, thank you.  The doctor says I am measuring perfectly and gaining weight right on target, so hush up!  She feels so heavy though, and the maternity belt has been a lifesaver sometimes.  My husband gets mad at me when I don't wear it, because I will often complain of pain shortly thereafter, haha.  I just wish it wasn't so obvious under clothes, but oh well.  I guess at this point I shouldn't care what other people think, and just aim for comfort to get through these last 8 weeks (and hopefully she will be ready to come out a week or two early!).
My husband and I are planning a 'babymoon' for late next week.  We really cannot afford much extravagance, and the thought of being too far away from our home in case of an emergency wasn't settling, so we are going to be tourists in our own city, and a few surrounding cities that are no more than a few hours away.  But we are excited, and have a couple nights a hotels booked.  Our last hurrah before the baby comes. 
Baby is very squirmy.  She favors the left side of the womb, and women are encouraged to sleep on their left side for maximum benefit blood flow while sleeping, so I always feel like I'm squishing her when I sleep, and I feel her moving around SO much.  At least we know she is doing well :)  I don't feel so claustrophobic anymore, but every once and a while she moves so hard that it startles me.  And she hiccups ALL THE TIME!  Its like a rhythmic twitch that lasts for a few minutes.  I am glad to know that the baby hiccups don't bother them like they bother us, and they are very common.
Ok, it is time for me to stop looking at the computer, as I doubt it is helping my migraine!  Check in with ya later!