Monday, October 29, 2012

Here we are at week 18...

Well it has been a few weeks since I have last checked in.  To be honest, not much has happened!  We had our 16 week appointment and got to see the baby on the ultrasound for fun, hear the heartbeat and see how much it has grown.  The doctor for some reason said she wouldn't be able to tell the sex yet, even though my other friends said that they found out at 16 weeks (maybe it was a different machine or something?).  So we are still waiting!  But we should know November 13th, so we have a goal.  I was checking out all the old wives tales, and per their stories, I am having a girl.  Examples: I am craving orange juice like none other, my beauty has been stolen (I am having such horrible acne right now!) and there was one other one, but I am blanking it right now. Oh yea, pregnant brain.  I'm finding that I am more at a loss for words at times, but that is about the extent of it.  I am feeling pretty good now-a-days with no more morning sickness (yay!), but my paranoia and emotional roller coaster rides have set in.  I know God is going to take care of me, and that His hand is over me and this little life I am growing, and that there isn't much that I can be in control of, but it is hard not to constantly be thinking and worry about things...especially with the extra hormones going on.  I think He understands, and I have so much to be thankful for, but sometimes I just want to cry, and not for any real good reason either. 
We just purchased and moved into our first home, so that is very exciting!  The babies room is just sitting here with boxes in it..we don't want to set anything up because we will paint it once we find out the sex, and there is no point setting things up to just move them and take them out again.  So moving and finances have been a little stressful.  Oh another odd thing is that I am still not gaining weight.  I am 6 feet tall, and I was a bit overweight to start with (my pre-pregnancy weight was 213).  Today, I am at 204, but my first weigh-in at the 10 week appointment was 207.  A healthy top weight for my height non-pregnant is 185, so I think I am still fine, and the doctor didn't say anything at my last appointment, but I wish I would have asked.  Oh and WRITE DOWN your questions for the doctor!  I totally spaced all of my questions, and kept remembering them after the appointment.  Oops.  I have another appointment in 2 weeks, so I have my list going now :)  I worry about my weight and stomach size quite a bit because I feel like my stomach has been shrinking a little.  But I have been feeling fine otherwise, it's just how I look.  I like to look pregnant, not pudgy, haha.  And I hope that the baby is alright, and that the extra 'pregnancy look' is just water weight or bloating, and I am bloating less or something for some reason.
Ok, here is an ugly bit: I really don't like sex right now.  I feel bad for my husband.  He is such a good guy.  But having sex is weird!  I don't like having any pressure on my belly (when he is on top of me missionary style), and I constantly think about how I probably shouldn't be on my back.  Other positions make my growing belly and breasts move waaaaay too much for it to be comfortable, and I can't get turned on the way I used to..I don't even really want to be touched down there.  The last time we had sex, I burst out crying and sobbing at the end (oh my gosh, poor husband).  Some people say their sex drive gets increased when they are pregnant, and others say it disappears almost completely.  I guess I'm the unlucky least at the moment. 
I keep hearing and reading 'Now that you are in your second trimester, you should start to feel your energy returning'..and I think that is a load of crap.  I am still exhausted all the time and would love to take  a nap every day if I could.  And I say listen to your body.  Once this baby gets here, your nap time will be very limited, haha!  I asked my other friends who have had children, and most of them have said they never got their second wind though their whole pregnancy, so at least I don't feel so alone. 
My appetite has been growing, and it can be hard to find healthy things to munch on.  I really don't like vegetables, but I do enjoy fruit.  So I eat lots of fruit.  Nuts are good in protein, and I just bought some triscuit crackers for the whole-grain baked aspect, and can be yummy with some cheese on it.  I try to avoid the chips, but do indulge in them ever so often...and with Halloween in two days, I bought myself a caramel apple covered in M&M's just waiting to be devoured :)
Alrightee, I guess that's a good update for now!  Until next time, probably shortly after November 13! :)